Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oh, I didn't see you there

Why hello there. You might know me. I'm that kid who doesn't talk that much. And when he does it's all monotone and sarcastic and shit. But enough about me, let's talk about my blog. What is up with that name? Well, a sphere is a round three-dimensional shape. Oh wait, you already knew that? Sorry, it's hard to keep a dialogue up with a hypothetical reader. Anyway, the name comes from the fact that my two passions in life are geography and baseball. The earth is a sphere (okay, well not a perfect sphere but close enough. Stop nitpicking, imaginary audience) as is a baseball. So there. Get your testicle jokes out of the way. I'll wait.

Okay with that out of the way, you might wonder, "Is he just going to talk about Istanbul's economy and the state of the Mariners' AA team all the time?" Well, no. I'm going to blog about whatever might tickle my fancy at that particular time. It could be a movie or an album or just some random thoughts that are floating around my head at the time. I have these thoughts all the time, it's weird. Like I'm a sentient being or something. So anyway, to the eight of you who will read this, I hope you enjoy! And I will try to not forget about this in three days.