Thursday, March 24, 2011


1. As much as I like to combat this idea, I will most likely always be a nerd. That includes being awkward and less than hip. I make somewhat of an effort to dress fashionably but I tend to not venture away from the t-shirt/sweatshirt and jeans combo that is so comfortable. And I'm fine with that. I don't really care how great I'm dressed as long as I'm not noticeably out of fashion. So no Hawaiian shirts or jorts for me.

2. I am fascinated by English. The language that is, not the malt liquor or the Denver Nugget great. i don't always use it correctly though and that's on purpose. I like to use words that aren't really words but sound like words like ungood and cromulent (Simpsons reference!). I'm pretty sure awkwardity isn't a word but I like to use that instead of awkwardness because the -ness suffix is overused. Yeah I'm weird.

3. I always start growing a beard but rarely realize it looks terrible. Part of it is a disdain for shaving and part of it is a desire to have a bad ass beard. But it just grows in all patchy and gross. Me after a week of not shaving looks far too white trash for my liking. But again, lazy.

4. My taste in music has become fairly good I think. I used to have terrible taste and some of that is still evident in songs I have in my library. I think that has been eliminated for the most part now so hooray. I don't have the hipster taste with a bunch of band no one has heard of but I don't go completely mainstream either. I just listen to what I like.

5. I like to think I am funny most of the time. Or at least self deprecating when necessary. As a result, I try to make most of what I write publicly at least somewhat humorous if seriousness isn't necessary. As such I try to make whatever I write at least be interesting or original. This mainly involves Facebook stati. So at least if my statuses are frequent they will be original or humorous to me or people who like me and not annoying. If it's annoying, whoopsies.

6. I like to write things but most often the things I write are about me and most people don't care about me. I don't mean to say that in a mean or emo way, it's just that to a certain extent it's true with everyone. I don't always read other people's personal things because they don't apply to me. It's slightly egotistical and such but that's how life is.

Anyway I would write more but I don't always think I have the best writing style. I can't always articulate what I'm thinking nor do I always write as much as I think I will be able to about a subject. It's a good thing I don't need to write much for school. What's that? I do? Oh...

7. This goes with the overarching theme of this post but my interaction with others is often more limited than I'd like. Part of this is the awkward and not thinking people really care about me but part of it is also liking to be alone a lot of the time. A lot of it is not wanting to come on to strong, even in the case of close friends. I just don't like to be that guy that people talk to out of pity or out of social norm necessity. I don't like that whole potential rejection thing so I tend to keep to myself. But the line between too much and too little talking to someone is really thin for me for some reason.

8. My reading basically consists of sports blogs and humor books. I don't know if high school English soured me on actual books or if I just have the short attention span my generation has built itself upon. I don't necessarily dislike reading but I always seem to find something I'd rather be doing for some reason. Sorry Kurt Vonnegut. I promise someday I'll read you.

9. I really cannot wait to turn 21. Part of this is for the obvious woo-hoo beer thing. But it's more than that. So many things seem to be contingent on being 21 and that's annoying. I don't like having to drink whatever is available or sneak around about drinking and as a result I don't really drink that often. Part of it is also wanting to grow up. On the one hand, it seems like so long ago that I was in high school. On the other hand, it's weird to almost be an adult.

10. No matter how well I do in school, I'll always feel like I could've done better or that I didn't work hard enough to earn the grade I got. Part of this is nice because I don't have to necessarily work that hard to get good grades and I'll always have that drive to succeed. But it also sucks because I'm not as happy with my grades as some people would be. I'm not pouting if I don't get straight A's but I also deep down feel like I am capable of doing that and that I could achieve that if I spent less time horsing around on the internet or whatever else I do. But that's who I am and that's how I've done things for pretty much my entire academic career. As nice as it would be to change, I'm pretty set in how it is now and it hasn't stopped working yet. I guess it's good to never feel like you have earned what you've done since it motivates you to try to do more.

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